Thursday, February 15, 2007

Target Retirement Fund 2045're reading the blog of a proud new owner of a Roth IRA!

Two days ago, I opened a Vanguard account & max'ed out my Roth for 2006, not mention a small headstart on 2007. I contributed just enough to avoid Vanguard's low balance fee ($10 for accounts under $5,000). It takes about ten two days for my Vanguard account to be funded through my checking account, so now I'm just waiting to see how many shares of Vanguard's TRF 2045 I'll actually own.

Somehow, a lifecycle fund escapes any previous trepidation I had regarding investing...must be some inherent trust I place in "the experts" more than being my own stock picker/portfolio manager. At any rate...That's one thing off my Goals sidebar!


Well Heeled Blog said...

Congrats!!! I remember how excited I was when I started to fund my Roth IRA. I've had Vanguard since August 06 and have been happy with it.

WH said...

THANKS! I'm definitely super excited that I got it started! =D

Anonymous said...

Good choice! And happy 25th. Glad you didn't say you were old, might have made a lot of people grumpy :)

WH said...

LOL Thanks Jonathan!